First of All,图文无关,这图纯为了吐槽大脚怪,看这长度绝对不短于cherub的前臂长度哦。。。


令人无法直视的Title:Demon Dean enjoys strip clubs and karaoke in new 'Supernatural' promo (奇怪的porn和中二混合体。。)

In the world of Supernatural, there’s very little the Winchester brothers haven’t done. After nine seasons, they’ve died for each other (multiple times); they’ve been possessed; they’ve been to Hell and back; and they’ve even stopped the apocalypse. But if there’s one thing they’re not familiar with, it’s being the demon that needs hunting.在【邪恶力量】的世界里,已经很少有温家兄弟没做过的事情了。在长达9季的时间里,他们为了对方死来死去(并且是很多次~!)、被附身、下过地狱后重回人间——甚至阻止了天启的发生。不过还有件事情他们不上手:那就是变成他们自己的猎杀对象——恶魔。

As fans know, season nine ended when Dean died, only to wake up as a demon (thanks to the Mark of Cain). So what now? EW has an exclusive look at the first promo for season 10, which focuses on Sam’s hunt for his older brother, Crowley’s idea of the “perfect Hell,” and Demon Dean enjoying his new “disease.” There’s drinking, dancing, killing, and, of course, porn. From the looks of it, Sam is going to have his hands full with “The Year of the Deanmon.”剧粉都知道,第9季结束时丁丁死了,醒来时变成了恶魔(真tmd感谢该隐印记)。然后呢?EW独家揭秘S10的第一条宣传片花,主要讲三米猎杀他老哥、C叔对于“完美地狱”的想法,还有恶魔丁爽歪歪他的新“恶力”。狂饮+乱舞+杀戮,当然,还有淫-秽读物。从该片花可以看粗来,三米已经准备好要在“恶魔丁之年”和老哥大干一场。


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